Kylie Morgan - Bridesmaids


She got me through highschool

She'd probably post my bail

She's the one who'd get me drunk

Be next to me in jail

She's my voice of reason

She's my biggest fan

She's who told me to leave the boy

And find yourself a man

If girls run the world

You're why mine keeps spinning

So I gotta ask you will you be my bridesmaids

My ride or die

My champagne tipsy kinda tribe

Wild ones right by my side

Rocking black while I'm wearing white

Sisters I get to choose

Might've found the one, but I need you too

The songs always about the groom

But I just can't say I do without my bridesmaids

She'll keep the bubbles coming

She'll make sure we're on time

She'll keep my cold feet from runnin

And hide all the red wine

They'll have tissues ready

When they see momma cry

Yeah I've been blessed, with the best

And let me tell you why

Cause they're my bridesmaids

My ride or die

My champagne tipsy kinda tribe

Wild ones right by my side

Rocking black while I'm wearing white

Sisters I get to choose

Might've found the one, but I need you too

The songs always about the groom

But I just can't say I do without my bridesmaids

My bridesmaids

If girls run the world

That's why life's a party

Welcome my wedding day army

My bridesmaids

My ride or die

My champagne tipsy kinda tribe

Wild ones right by my side

Rocking black while I'm wearing white

Sisters I get to choose

Might've found the one, but I need you too

The songs always about the groom

But I just can't say I do without my bridesmaids


We Three - 50 Shades of Pink


Fresco Trey - 711