Kyle Clark - You Don’t Think About That


it's gonna end it's gonna hurt

you hope it will but it won't work

you will have dreams about those ocean nights

you will taste that kiss for the rest of your life

summer will fade memories will come

summer so good you will never out run

you will look at her number and no you can't call

but none of that matters at all

cause you don't think about that

when the waves are crashing at your sandy feet

and her smile is your favorite one you ever seen

camera stars every single one

you falling hard like a setting sun

when you are on a pier slowly kissing

you don't realize that the world still spinning

it's all going to feel like the sunburn on your back

but you don't think about that

you don't think about that, no no

you dance to some buffet pull her in close

you laugh like forever while you margarita toast

write names in the sand with a heart on the side

like they aren't rolling out with the tide

cause you don't think about that

when the waves are crashing at your sandy feet

and her smile is your favorite one you ever seen

you count stars every single one

you falling hard like a setting sun

when you are on a pier slowly kissing

you don't realize that the world still spinning

it's all going to feel like the sunburn on your back

but you don't think about that

last kiss with your hair when you leaning in

last night we are sicking now she is leaving

and there is a part of you that she is keeping

cause you don't think about that

when the waves are crashing at your sandy feet

and her smile is your favorite one you ever seen

you count stars every single one

you falling hard like a setting sun

when you are on a pier slowly kissing

you don't realize that the world still spinning

it's all going to feel like the sunburn on your back

oh sometimes meant to be

doesn't mean it is meant to last

but you don't think about that no no

you don't think about that no no

you don't think that




Vincent Mason - Prayer In Advance