Kailey Nicole - Never Me

Some girls know exactly what they want
Some girls are ready to tie the knot
But i'm not

Some girls are lucky from the start
Never had to heal their broken hearts
Or put up their guards

They’re ready to dive in
Not overthinkin
Or worried about what someone else might see
Two feet on the ground
Ready to settle down
She’s everything that I wish I could be , never me

I’m not the girl who has a plan
Don’t know exactly where I stand
Figure it out when I can

But some guys want to take me home
To meet their mamas but I don’t
So they find some other girl who’s not a rolling stone..

Who calls him baby
Doesn’t drive him crazy
Who’s not bursting at the seams with misplaced anxieties
Who treats him like a king
Knows just what he needs
Makes him coffee and wears that diamond ring, never Me

I’m running circles
A dress rehearsal
For the next one that he’ll meet, he’ll be ready thanks to me
She’ll be getting roses
And all I know is
I wanted him and he wanted somebody, never Me


Paravi - Angry


Aim Vision - SUPERHERO